Monday 8 August 2011

Cameron Highlands II

We had  a friend down from Texas so we decided to go back to Cameron Highlands.  For those with agricultural interests (like our friend), Cameron has much more to offer than KL.  This time we took the time to go through the tea plant as well as walk through the plantation.  The kids enjoyed the freedom of walking through the plantation.  They ran around as if they were back in our hay field.  Unfortunately, as one of them was digging their way up a hill, they uncovered a snake.  I am not familiar enough with local snakes to know it was bad or not but if it was enough that we made them stick to the road after that.

For lunch, we went back to the Smokehouse.  Again, one of the best places to eat in Malaysia.  British food is not supposed to be good so maybe this isn't authentic.  It is a beautiful place, though.  On the way back we stopped by a waterfall to let the kids look around.

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