Saturday 25 December 2010

Christmas in Malaysia

This is our first Christmas away from home.  The kids had one go swimming on Christmas.  It was rainy in the afternoon but they go to go this evening so they were very happy.  The kids have been watching Christmas Story and wanted to remember this as the Christmas they were introduced to Chinese Christmas Turkey.  So we dressed up and went to a nice Chinese restaurant.  The duck was good and the waitress was kind enough to take a picture for us.

I got Kristen a power supply so she can use her US waffle maker here (can't buy local waffle makers).  Technically this is her gift but I will probably be the main beneficiary.  For breakfast we had the first waffles we had in 4 months and they were great.  Lunch wasn't exactly traditional but it was all American so that was nice.

Christmas is different in Malaysia.  However, our housing area had lots of decorations and a giant Christmas tree.  On Tuesday, a local church sat up a little stage and sang Christmas carols.  It was nice.

Now it is bed time on our first, and hopefully last, Christmas away from home.

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