Sunday 7 November 2010

Trip to Port Dickson

Today we went to see the beach at Port Dickson.  It is about an hour and 15 minute drive (no traffic) from our house.  The kids had never seen a beach before.  On the way, Sarah asked if it was like a swimming pool except with shells.  So needless to say, they did not know what to expect.  It was an overcast day so that kept it from being too hot, however, not too scenic without the pretty blue sky.

After we were done, the kids said it tied their favorite thing to do in Malaysia.  They had a great time walking around and picking up shells.  It was like a big treasure hunt. 

Port Dickson is on the west coast.  They say that you have to go to the east coast to find the pretty blue water, coral, and snorkling.  Unfortunately, we have been advised that we should wait until after monsoon season to go.  This will have to do them for now.

These were taken at an open air seafood restaurant.  We had fresh seafood fried rice, calamari, and shrimp.  It was great.

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